You can integrate the contents of the Bavarian State Library, which are provided in the IIIF standard, directly into web offers via the APIs (Application Programming Interface) without having to download and maintain the data yourself.
Please note: Commercial use of our digital copies may be subject to approval and fees. For more information on usage and possible fees, please refer to our FAQ.
The interfaces described below provide their responses with the Access Control Allow-Origin: *
header, making it possible to use provided data directly in client-side JavaScript applications. The Bavarian State Library provides the IIIF Presentation API and the IIIF Image API. The former one delivers so called manifests of digital objects in JSON-LD format. Inside the manifests Image API endpoints for each facsimile image are referenced. An info.json file is available at each of these end points, which allows information about the image to be retrieved immediately.
Presentation API
You can use this interface to access the metadata of an object in JSON format, the so-called manifests. In addition to a range of bibliographic metadata (.metadata), you will find a data structure that lists all pages ('canvases') of an object (.sequences[0].canvases). Each of these canvas entries refers (under .images[0].resource.service[@id]) to the corresponding image API under which the image is accessible for the page.
If available, OCR (full text) for the page is linked under .seeAlso[@id] in hOCR format. Please note that there is a limit to the number of OCR downloads that can be made per 24 hours. Access to the Presentation API is unlimited.
URL IIIF manifest:{object_id}/manifest
Examples of a manifest:
Underlying specification:
URL top collection:
Underlying specification:
Image API
You can use this interface to access the digital image data in the Digital Collections. You can use the URL to control which section you would like to receive in which size, which rotation and which format. For more details, please consult the documentation of the IIIF Image API.{image_id}/{region}/{size}/{rotation}/{quality}.{format}
Example of an image file:{image_id}/info.json
Example of an info.json file: specification:
Please note that there is a limit to the number of requests that can be made to the Image API per 24 hours.{object_id}/{page_num}
Example of an OCR XML file:
Please note that there is a limit to the number of OCR downloads that can be made per 24 hours.
Visit us on Github. There you can find opensource IIIF software developed by the MDZ.
Bavarian Digital Repository
The Bavarian Digital Repository (BDR) is developed to be a freely accessible interface for harvesting metadata about all digital representations produced by or in cooperation with the Bavarian State Library. BDR conforms to the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).
RSS Feed
The RSS feed of the Munich DigitiZation Center presents the 50 most recent additions to the Digital Collections in the order in which they are made available online.